Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tiramisu Take me Away

If you are following me on Twitter, you probably have guessed that it had taken me 3 days to make a Tiramisu... hahahaha... 
I didn't know what happened, I just really wanted to "make" tiramisu. Beating the eggs, blending the cream and cheese, oh, creamy cheese I mean, and the coffee and rum mix. The last time I made them was in high school... a batch of Tiramisu, so much that I had to give them out till no one wants them anymore... And back then, in my all Chinese-food-only family, there was no blender, no food processor, no whisk even... Guess what I did to blend the cream and cheese? Yes, by hand, with chopsticks... classic! Maybe this is the same thing you see in some Chinese restaurants? So, tips to you, don't order desserts in a Chinese food restaurant. They use chopsticks for your cheesecakes!!!

I guess you could kind of see the lady fingers layered under the marcapone cheese and, well, my super think layer of coca powder. 

 So, here you go my recipe:

Marcapone cheese x 500 g
Eggs x 3
Sugar x 5 tbsp
Vanilla extract x 1 tsp
Lady fingers x 1 pkg of 24 fingers
Expresso x 1 cup
Arametto rum x 5 tsp
Coca powder x some (or like me... a lot...)

First brew the expresso (or like me... get one from the coffee shop...) and let it cool. Separate egg whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites till foamy. In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolks with the measured sugar. Then add in the marcapone cheese and the egg white mixture. Add in the vanilla extract into the mixture and mix well. 
If you have a sweet one to help you make this together, he/she may already be doing this step. Mix the expresso with the Arametto rum (an Italian coconut flavored rum). Gently brushed or dipped the lady fingers in the "cocktail" (i suppose...) First layered the fingers on the bottom of the pan. Pour over a layer of the cheese mixture. Then fingers, then cheese. Refrigerate overnight. Sift over some coca powder on the Tiramisu for presentation.


Most of the recipes call for gelatin in the cheese mixture, so to stand the cake up a bit. But of course, Italians don't use gelatin!(as much as that word sounds like an Italian word, or maybe it is?) And Tiramisu should always be soft and usually served in a cup manner for people to scope. Since I didn't use the gelatin, I chose to freeze them in the fridge to harden it. It also makes it very ice-creamy too~ But still, it's really soft. I probably should add a little more rum in it. I kinda want it to taste a little stronger in coffee and rum. But it's just personal preferences. No indication of me being an alcoholic. No, no nononono.~

PS. Tiramisu means "Take me away" in Italiano~~ oh, mambo Italiano, tira misu! ..... nevermind...

1 Comment:

heLeN said...

tiramisu, the taste of love lol
I want to try some, yea, I was waiting for you to blog about this after I saw your update on twitter lol

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